There’s no better time to give your roof a bit of extra care than just before the cold season starts. Frosty temperatures, heavy snow loads, and falling branches are guaranteed to take a toll on your Fort Collins, CO home. With the five tips that follow, you can minimize wear and tear, prevent structural damage, and avoid roof leaks.

1. Limb Your Trees

If you have trees near or towering over your roof, have them limbed by a professional. Removing weak or dying branches before they break off is an easy way to keep your roof intact. It will also protect your outdoor AC condenser from damage and minimize your risk of premises liability claims.

2. Clean Out Your Gutters

Have your gutters cleaned before the start of winter, and regularly clean them out throughout the season. Heavy loads of snow, ice, silt, damp leaves, and other materials will clog your gutters and could cause them to pull away from the building. For extra protection, you can also have gutter covers or gutter heaters installed.

3. Schedule a Pre-Season Roof Inspection

Have a professional assess the integrity of your roof in late fall or early winter. If there are loose or missing shingles or areas with damaged flashing, taking care of these problems now will enhance the protection that this multi-layer system provides.

4. Practice Diligent Pest Prevention

Aging and poorly maintained roofs are vulnerable to pests. Small animals look for viable openings to find shelter, warmth, and easy access to food and water. Limbing your trees and cleaning your gutters will keep squirrels and other climbing animals off your roof. You should also cover your trash and consider installing mesh or another barrier at all possible points of ingress.

5. Update Your Attic Insulation

Add more insulation to your attic to prevent ice damming. Keeping the topmost portion of your home warm will promote rapid snow melt, prevent the formation of thick layers of ice, and make removing heavy snow loads a lot easier.

Residents of Fort Collins, CO can count on us for superior roofing services. We offer roof replacement and repairs, hail and storm damage services, and gutter cleaning. To schedule an appointment, get in touch with Lion Roofing & Gutters now!

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