Winter brings snow and harsh weather that can lead to roof damage. Roof damage can be costly and cause headaches for your home. One of the significant causes of roof damage is snow which can bring many problems if your house is not prepared. Another thing you have to look out for is when your gutter gets clogged with leaves and debris causing a backup. Both of these can lead to costly damage. Here are a few things you can do to prevent roofing problems during the winter months.

Use Ice Guards to Protect Your Roof

When it starts to snow outside, that snow eventually melts. When this occurs on your roof, it can lead to ice dams developing. Ice dams often form because when melted snow runs off your roof, it freezes and builds up at the downspouts near the gutters, which prevents rain from draining away. When snow and ice melt and re-freeze repeatedly, it’s possible this ice can get underneath the shingles and leak into your home. It can also cause significant structural damage to your roof, putting it at risk.

One of the most effective tools for preventing this is using ice guards. An ice guard is designed to catch this falling snow and ice, preventing it from entering your house. In addition, you can put an ice guard in place to stop melting water and ice from leaking through your roof. Installing ice guards is a great way to prevent roof damage in your home and avoid costly repairs.
Your roofing professionals at Lion Roofing & Gutters can help ensure your ice guards are installed correctly and prevent any damage from occurring.

Use Leaf Guards to Protect Your Home

Many gutters get backed up as they get filled with leaves and debris, causing your gutters to stop draining and allowing the water to pool around your home. When this occurs, there can be costly results, including structural issues, foundation damage, and even mold or mildew growth.

To prevent these pools from occurring, you can use leaf guards to keep leaves and other large debris out of your gutters. Doing so will reduce the need for frequent cleaning and keep your drains working correctly.

Leaf guards are an excellent solution for protecting your home.

Leaf guards come in many forms, but they all have the same goal, to prevent clogs from forming within your rain gutter.

Your roof protects your family from everything that falls from the sky, including rain, snow, hail, and sometimes even animals. Therefore, ensuring your roof is ready to stand up against the elements is critical. Combining ice and leaf guards is a great way to protect your home and your roof from the potential damage that winter can bring.

At Lion Roofing & Gutters, we can help you install these tools so that you can have the peace of mind of knowing that your roof is ready for the elements. So give us at 970-299-8990 to schedule installation, or read more about leaf guards here.

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